October 12, 2006

Socktoberfest- Flash Your Stash

Presenting the sock yarn stash in all its glory-
Now yesterday's post may have been deceiving. You see, my lack of socks probably isn't due to generosity. No, my guess is that it's due to deadlines for everyone's projects but mine. Projects for the kids need to be completed before they're outgrown. Projects for friends and family really should be finished by whatever holiday I'm giving them for. As for me, things are finished in-between and can wait a little longer if something else comes up. In that picture are 5 partial pairs of socks. 4 of them are intended for me.

Do you have certain patterns planned for some of the yarns? Do you buy yarn and then choose a pattern?
I'm a very basic socks kind of girl. With every skein I purchase, the intended pattern is Wendy's toe-up.

Does a certain sock yarn you have in your stash take you back to a certain event? (where you were when you bought/received it? what was going on in your life at the time!)
The Magic Stripes was a gift from my in-laws when they visited us for Christmas in VA. I knitted the other skein they gave me right away and wore those socks when I interviewed at Knit Happens.
I started the alpaca/silk socks when I was pregnant with Joshua. At the time I thought how nice my feet would feel with those socks as the pregnancy progressed. (I did actually knit on a pair of socks for Michael while I was in the hospital giving birth.)
I bought the Koigu while the movers were unloading into our new home in AL. We were in a new place, but at least the yarn was familiar.
The Knit Happens yarn reminds me of our VA trip the first fall we were living down here. It was a wonderful vacation, complete with train travel. I actually completed most of a pair of red socks for my sister on that trip.
I have knit socks while house hunting, looking at Christmas lights, visiting the zoo, being monitered for pre-term labor, and visiting my grandfather for the last time before he died. More than any other project, finished socks seem to carry the most memories. Most of the other skeins in the stash were purchased at yarn sales, and while they may not have much to say now, I'm sure they'll have plenty of memories knit into them.

Posted by crsattic at 5:57 PM | 1 Comment

1 Comment

Your sock stash has some lovely yarns in it. You can knit socks anywhere like the Yarn Harlot, but I suppose once you have kids anything is possible. Good luck with Socktoberfest too.

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