May 10, 2005

Deja Vu

If you've been looking through the knitting blog community over the past 5 months, you've seen many pictures similar to this one.
I've finally joined the Clapotis party, making one from the Cloverleaf Farms sock yarn I bought at last year's Sheep and Wool. This project has given purpose to one of my latest obsessions:
making stitch markers. Even Mike was amazed at how many markers I needed, and I'm only making a half Clap.

Joshua started eating baby cereal yesterday.
This brings us one step closer to me having reliable enough measurements to start working on my sweaters again.

Posted by crsattic at 10:58 PM | 8 Comments


I think it is obvious by his beautiful smile that Joshua loves starting on baby cereal !!!!!!

Awwwwwww...such an adorable baby face!

Those stitch markers are fabulous. I love the trinkets you put at the end of each one.

Fun stitchmarkers! I adore the dragonfly one you sent me for Christmas. I think of you whenever I use it. Congrats on your newest accomlishment, Baby Joshua!

The stitch markers look great!

What a cutey!

I too have recently learned the joy of making stitchmarkers. I should post some too.

and YAY for the bunny.

Had to get a dose of the kids growth! Wow so handsome and beautiful! I saw your post earlier about the Lynn Vogel workshop...that would be incredible. I absolutely love her work.

What a sweetie!

How sweet! I can't wait for my little guy to start solids.....then I too can try and make me a sweater that will fit in a year!

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