June 21, 2004

The Home Stretch

The Miss Bea sweater is nearing completion. All of the pieces were pressed this morning, and the seaming has begun. Both sleeves are sewn up, one shoulder seam is complete, and I've started knitting the collar. In the past I've always used a mattress stitch for all of my sweater seaming; however, this pattern calls for a three needle bind off at the shoulders. Since I'm used to having "invisible" seams, the ridge created by the bind off is somewhat bothering me. Of course, the pictures in the book don't give you a clear view of the shoulder seams. I decided to leave it, so hopefully once everything comes together, it'll look ok. Does anyone have a picture of a finished sweater with a three needle bind off?

Posted by crsattic at 10:04 PM | 3 Comments


Wow, that's exciting! Such a pretty sweater. I would love to make one of those for Aislin.

Someone showed me how to do a 3-needle bindoff for shoulders on a sweater this weekend, but I don't remember seeing a ridge on hers...it just looked like regular stitching, sort of. I mean, I guess it did have a ridge, but it showed more on the wrong side (because she held the right sides together and bound off on the wrong side).

I found a pic online of a bindoff:


Hope this helps :)

I like doing the 3-needle bind off (but I don't do perfect invisible seams so that might be the difference). I assume that you were doing the binding off with the right sides of the work facing (ie. from the inside so the ridge is inside). Is it pulling in too tight? You could always cast off as how you usually do and seam the pieces together if it bothers you too much.

Hope you're feeling well otherwise.

You could always graft the seams together this will look neater and you wont have such a ridge.

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