February 9, 2004

Due to some really bad luck lately, there hasn't been a lot of knitting progress around here. It seems that each time I plan a block of time for my projects, something stupid happens to keep me from getting anything done.
Yesterday, I was supposed to meet up with some people around 1 for food and knitting. On the way to church, the car's brakes started locking up and smoking. So we got to wait at a service center for about three hours. I didn't need to bring my knitting for church, so I didn't have it with me to work on at the car place. By the time we got home, it was too late to meet up with everyone else.
Today, I was going to work on the gloves for a couple of hours while Charlotte was in kid's gym time at the Rec Center. The center is supposed to be an on demand stop for the local bus. This means it isn't a regular stop, but, if you ask, the driver is supposed to stop there. Well, we ended up just riding the bus for an hour, because the driver refused to stop at the center. We could have gotten off at the regular stop closest to the rec, but it would have been a 20 minute walk that includes crossing a very busy 6 lane road and by the time he got to the stop, it was already 10 minutes into the two hour gym time. At least Charlotte isn't old enough to understand she missed out on playtime with the other kids.

Posted by crsattic at 10:55 AM | 3 Comments


I know how frustrating car problems can be!
It ALWAYS happens that I'll have unexpected time on my hands when I've forgotten my knitting. It's the Murphy's Law of knitting, I think!
Here's hoping you get some uninterrupted time to knit soon!

Hope your week has improved since your post.

hope your week has improved. i miss your posts! i keep stopping by to see your progress. you always inspire me with how much you're able to get done even with charlotte.

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