September 26, 2005

Thanks for all of the emails and ecards. I had a nice quiet birthday with the family, just the way I like it. Michael took the day off from work, so we hit the children's museum in the morning and had cake and presents that evening. (Charlotte had a birthday party on Saturday too, so she had plenty of cake this weekend.)
Over the last week, Joshua has started eating biter biscuits,

and Charlotte has discovered that she likes curly hair.
(She also learned the phrase "Diamonds are a girl's best friend." much to Mike's dismay.)

Tonight was a knitting meetup, and although I only stayed for about an hour, I managed to knit nearly a whole skein of the Alpaca Silk, so I'm happy with my progress. Right now, I have the two fronts complete


and am motoring up the back. I'm afraid that I might run out of yarn with this one, so I want to have as much done as possible before we go up to Virginia in October. I want to buy any extra I need while we're up there.
And on the baby blanket note, I think I'll make the alphabet blanket. (It has much less seaming than I'd originally thought.) I'm leaning toward making it with Knit Picks Shine. Does anyone have experience with using this yarn? Does it feel like a Wool Cotton or Cotton Glace?

Posted by crsattic at September 26, 2005 9:57 PM