December 2, 2004

Charlotte News

We went to the mall tonight so that Charlotte could have her picture taken with Santa Claus, but unfortunately, it didn't work out. As some of you may know, Charlotte isn't overly fond of men, and introducing her to a strange bearded guy just sent her over the edge. We didn't even make it to Santa; she got close enough to see him and starting crying and clinging to Mike for dear life. Maybe next year we'll get a picture.
She also started opening doors. This puts a kink in our bedtime routine because normally we'll close the door to her room after she's settled down. If she wakes up, she'll fuss for a few minutes and then go back to sleep. Now, she gets up, opens the door, and is ready to be entertained.
I don't have any FOs tonight, but I did complete the back of the Debbie Bliss Hooded Striped Top.
I'd forgotten how nice the cashmerino is to knit with. It'll be nice to clear off some of the WIPs in my sidebar so that I can work on my Weekend sweater again.

Posted by crsattic at December 2, 2004 11:23 PM