November 1, 2004

Outgoing Mail

With all of the unexpected pregnancy drama over the last couple of weeks, a few of my finished projects have had to wait a little while to be mailed. After my doctor's visit tomorrow, we're going to the post office, so I should be caught up with all of my packages. Here's what that means:
Louise, you'll be receiving about 23 more squares.
Sara, you'll be receiving a cat bed.
Emma, you'll be receiving your last package for the Secret Pal 2 exchange. Here's a little peek at your gift.

One of the nice things about after Halloween sales is that we can get inexpensive dress up clothes for Charlotte. We found a flapper costume for half off at Target, so now she has a "movie star" dress.

Posted by crsattic at November 1, 2004 10:17 PM